Tips and Tricks:
Testing in a Controlled
Situation: (continued)
the camera in place. Work all of the controls. Even in
only 6 feet of water you'll soon learn whether it's sealing
properly or not. If you're satisfied, try the same thing with the
camera inside and the strobe connected. Fire off a few shots to
make sure strobe is synching properly. If everything is
working, then you are ready to take it diving.
Tip 5: Learn How to Care and
Maintain Your Equipment Yourself.
Underwater camera equipment requires constant maintenance. As a
basic minimum:
1. Keep
the o-rings clean and lightly lubricated with silicon grease.
2. Never leave your system in direct sunlight. If you have to
leave it in the open, drape a towel over it. Heat is the enemy of
camera equipment. Housings will cook the camera inside if left in
the sun.
3. As soon as possible, rinse all the camera
equipment in fresh water, preferably warm water (not hot).
4. Buy a protective cover for your lens, and take it with you on
the dive, replacing it before you get back into the boat. Dive
boats operators sometimes grab a camera from a diver as he emerges
from a dive and place it face down on the deck. This practice is
especially dangerous for dome ports, since they protrude beyond
the rim of the sunshade. They are easily scratched and expensive
to replace.